Mad Mix Game

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Version 9.026k
Última versión


Revisión del juego Mad Mix


There's no getting around it, Mad Mix is a Pac-Man clone. A few levels offer a few cool tricks up their sleeves.
The main objective is to navigate the maze while snagging as many pellets as possible. This is achieved by the use of a variety of power-ups that range from transforming you into a hippopotamus to a vacuum cleaner to clean up any pellets that are spilt and ruined along the way.
The best part of the whole experience is that it's totally free. This sprite-mashing marvel was created by Spanish developer Topo Soft and landed on the shelves of UK gaming enthusiasts. The aforementioned freebie consists of a single disc that installs on your computer's hard drive.
A little bit of fiddly work on your part and you're good to go. Unlike the game's dated predecessors, this version is actually fun to play.
La gran victoria en este gambito es el hecho de que es fácil de configurar y es muy divertido para todas las edades. Además del juego antes mencionado, unas pocas bebidas y unas pocas horas de ingenio es todo lo que se necesita para que la pandilla esté de humor para probar a los otros contendientes.

Ficha técnica

Sistema Operativo: Windows
Categoría: Clásicos
Descargas: 9,026
Autor: Zikitrake


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